Case Study: iSmile

Each month, we highlight a happy SMC client and share how we’ve helped them improve their results. Up this month: iSmile!

iSmile wasn’t seeing the conversion rates they wanted from potential new patients who connected with their call handlers through online chat. This meant that they were wasting marketing dollars because they weren’t getting the right level of follow-through.

However, iSmile brought in SMC’s conversion coaching team to help them turn more chat leads into scheduled appointments. Our team got into the nitty gritty of the process and learned each step of iSmile’s current approach to responding to chat leads. 

Then our coaches helped iSmile overhaul their whole process from the beginning. Working together, we made it more efficient, effective, and responsive to anyone who contacted iSmile looking for an appointment or more information. 

As a result, iSmile has been able to begin scheduling 40 new ortho patients a week — complete with a follow-up process in place to reduce no-show rates. And since their team now has the skills our coaches taught them, they’ll be able to continue to evaluate and improve their system over time.

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